The most effective high eye pressure treatment

High eye pressure, or glaucoma, is the second most common cause of blindness in the world in the elderly over 65 years. It is second after the cataract. This is the most insidious disease and unfortunately, today is often discovered by accident examination in an advanced stage, when the disease is already well advanced and permanent visual impairment has occurred. We distinguish several types of glaucoma: open-angle glaucoma, closed-angle glaucoma, secondary glaucoma and congenital glaucoma. This disease is rather common nowadays. These are the reasons why we decide to write this article about high eye pressure treatment.



In the first part of our article about high eye pressure treatment, we will explain some diagnostic methods for high eye pressure detection. High eye pressure can be detected at an early stage if the patients, after obtaining the first reading glasses, do a regular annual examination by an ophthalmologist. It is necessary to do a complete eye exam that includes visual acuity testing, examination of the anterior and posterior part of the eye, intraocular pressure measurement, and computerized visual field examination. We should also do the measuring of corneal thickness to find out the real value of the measured intraocular pressure for each eye, by using specific correction factors. The scanning of the optic nerve head and nerve fiber layer are desirable. That way we can detect early damages that can show up even five years before the first problems with the visual field. This method is not only important in the early detection of glaucoma, but also in the subsequent monitoring of disease.

High eye pressure treatment – Causes

In the second part of our article about high eye pressure treatment, we will talk about causes for high eye pressure occurrence. The children of affected individuals have an increased risk of developing high eye pressure. High eye pressure occurs in several forms of the disease, and for all of them is characterized optic nerve damage caused by elevated intraocular pressure. If left untreated, damage to the optic nerve resulting in progressive, permanent loss of vision, which begins imperceptible outages insight that gradually progress until complete blindness occurs.


Finally, we will discuss the high eye pressure treatment. The main goal of treatment is to lower the intraocular pressure and to achieve and maintain the desired pressure. The first step is the conservative treatment with eye drops. If the pressure does not compensate for eye drops, one of the laser treatments should be applied, depending on the type of glaucoma. These laser treatments are performed on an outpatient basis and under local anesthesia, and they do not require hospitalization. Filtering operations are performed under local anesthesia, with an opening made in the chamber angle to facilitate swelling of the aqueous humor from the anterior chamber under the conjunctiva. Less commonly used is the technique of implantation of valves tubes. This method is also known as express mini glaucoma shunt. In any case, early detection and treatment are key for prevention of optic nerve damage and vision loss caused by high eye pressure.

The best natural cures for dry eyes

The syndrome of dry eye (also known as evaporative tear deficiency, lacrimal keratoconjunctivitis, or dysfunctional tear syndrome) occurs when the eyes fail to lubricate themselves because they don’t produce enough tears. In some people, the eyes do produce enough tears, but they evaporate too rapidly because of their low quality. The tears are critical for keeping the front surface of the eye healthy, warding off infections and promoting clear vision. When the dry eye syndrome is left untreated, it can lead to cornea damage, pain, and some vision loss. Although the use of natural cures for dry eyes hasn't been extensively studied to date, many people’s positive experiences do promise a beneficial effect.

Scientific research on natural cures for dry eyes

Preliminary scientific research suggests that people with dry eye syndrome can find relief in Omega-3 fatty acids. In a study from 2009, rats were kept on a diet containing a combination of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid, and gamma-linolenic acid. This diet led to a significant reduction of the symptoms of dry eyes. An earlier study that was conducted with mice showed that the topical application of Omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid reverses the signs of dry eyes. This treatment also had a positive effect on the inflammatory changes that are typical for this condition. Knowing this, Omega-3 fatty acids can be one of the best natural cures for dry eyes. Enriching your diet with oily fish (mackerel or salmon), chia seeds and flaxseed will lead to improvement of your condition. You can also consume Omega-3 fatty acids in the form of a supplement.

Preventive natural cures for dry eyes

Before we continue any further, we should clarify that the dry eye syndrome cannot be entirely cured. However, you can use some natural remedies for dry eyes that can treat the condition and make the symptoms less irritating. First of all, you should avoid exposing your eyes directly to air. Be careful when you are in a room with an air conditioner, and protect your eyes from hair dryers and car heaters. This is important to prevent evaporation of tears. It is always recommended to wear glasses when going out in the sun. Your home environment should be kept humid, above 30 and below 50 percent. It is recommended to use a humidifier to add some moisture to the dry air in your home during winters. Blinking frequently is also very important to spread the tears better. Your eyes may be burning or stinging when you have a dry eye syndrome, but avoid rubbing them at all costs. Stop smoking, and you will soon notice an improvement in the moisture level in your eyes.


Efficient natural cures for dry eyes

It is recommended to wash your eyelids frequently to control inflammation that has blocked the flow of oil to the eye. This can be done by applying a warm washcloth to your eyes and holding it for five minutes. When you notice that the cloth cooled down, you should re-wet it with warm water and rub it gently over your eyelids. This will loosen any debris that has been causing you unpleasant symptoms. We already mentioned the Omega-3 fatty acids as one of the best natural cures for dry eyes, so besides mackerel, salmon, sardines, and tuna, you should also enrich your diet with eggs (from chickens fed with omega-3 fatty acids), walnuts, ground flaxseed, soybean oil and palm oil. Caffeine is another natural remedy for dry eyes. A recent study found that after consuming caffeine, the volume of tears is increased. If you eat too much salt, you should reduce its intake immediately, because dry eyes can result from the salt-rich diet.